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DESTINATION Los Pingüinos Natural Monument

Located in Magdalena Marta Islands is one of the best places for sighting penguins in Chile as it is home of one of the largest Magellanic Penguin colony in Patagonia. Only Magdalena island is open for visitors.

In the 85 hectares of this protected area that was declared a Natural Monument in 1986, inhabit more than 60 thousand penguins and to access it, it is necessary to navigate about 2 hours through the Strait of Magellan. During the navigation, you could also observe sea lions, southern dolphins, giant Antarctic petrels and black-browed albatrosses.

Magdalena Island 20 miles northeast of Punta Arenas in the Strait of Magellan, commune of Punta Arenas, is the penguin paradise.

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Weather is changing and unstable, in a very same day you can experience rough gusts of wind and frozen cold, and radiant sunshine with stifling heat. As we have said before, the best thing to do is to wear layers of clothing.

Patagonia is an area of constant wind, especially during spring-summer; it can reach an average speed of 30 to 40 km / hr.

The parks, reserves and natural monuments are managed by the National Forestry Corporation (Conaf). It is important to always follow the instructions of park rangers inside protected wilderness areas. Do not light a fire in unauthorized places or leave the enabled and demarcated trails.

In an emergency case, to contact Chilean police (Carabineros de Chile) you must dial 133 from every fixed phone and/or mobile phone.

