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Tour numerous bays and fjords, wonderful landscapes almost not intervened by man.

An essential part of the journey through Magallanes Region is to take a trip by boat, ferry or cruise contemplating the magnificent natural scenery. In matters of navigation, in addition to the Strait of Magellan, we highlight the navigation to Balmaceda and Serrano glaciers, exploring the Almirantazgo Sound in Tierra del Fuego, navigating through the fjords and channels from Punta Arenas to Ushuaia in Argentina and the northern part of the Ultima Esperanza Province are just some of the options.

When taking a cruise to the fjords and channels of Tierra del Fuego, from Punta Arenas to Ushuaia in Argentina, you can visit the legendary Cabo de Hornos (Cape Horn) that represents the end of the American continent. At this point the Pacific and Atlantic oceans meet and the force between the two largest oceans of the planet is appreciated.

1-3 days
86-120 km.

In the province of Tierra del Fuego, you may explore the Whiteside channel – which separates the Dawson island from Tierra del Fuego – from Bahía Inútil until the Almirantazgo sound, a trip that runs through fjords and bays where there are colonies of marine elephants, black eyebrow albatross, and leopard seals. It is an abundant area in Nothofagus forests and glacier tongues from the ice fields of the Darwin Mountain Range, which is part of the Alberto de Agostini National Park (1,460,000 hectares).

In Magallanes Province you may navigate the Magellan Strait crossing to Tierra del Fuego Island, when visiting the Los Pingüinos Natural Monument or when going the Francisco Coloane Marine Park.

In Última Esperanza Province you may navigate to Peninsula Antonio Varas to visit some of the Estancias (ranches) that offer activities such as horseback riding, sheep shearing and sheep herding and In Torres del Paine National park is one the most amazing navigations, which is navigating to Grey Glacier.

There are plenty of alternatives to explore and get to know Magallanes Region by sea.

places for NAVIGATIONS

Balmaceda and Serrano Glaciers

Francisco Coloane Marine Park

Seno Almirantazgo


To arrive to Torres del Paine, you must take a transfer or ask for the buses that go to Puerto Natales (at the north of Punta Arenas). From there, you will find lots of tourist services that will take you to Torres.

You must bring a heavy jacket (hopefully with newborn lamb skin), waterproof pants, wool caps, a fleece and thermal gloves, windbreaker, trekking shoes, comfortable shoes for resting, boots, sunglasses and sunscreen. Do not forget t-shirts and lightweight shoes for sunny days, the best thing you can do is to wear layers of clothing.

Always use official transport and ask for arrival and departure times in the designated area.

In an emergency case, to contact Chilean police (Carabineros de Chile) you must dial 133 from every fixed phone and/or mobile phone.

