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The Antartica 

is part of the white continent  

and it is one of the coldest  

places in the world 


1.264.146 KM2


55°43′00″S 67°22′00″O

Geography of extreme beauty in the last latitudes of the world.

The Chilean Antarctic province is the most austral of the country and has a bicontinental character, as it includes the insular austral extreme of the continental national territory in addition to the total of the Chilean Antarctic territory. Part of its geography is covered by the Magellanic forest due to the presence of the mountain cord of Dientes de Navarino, while towards the south, extensive planning of turba is located that allows the existence of lakes and lagoons with abundant fauna.

The first sector of the province corresponds to the community of Cabo de Hornos, created in 1927; with a surface of 14,146 Km2. The second corresponds to the Chilean territory in the Antarctic continent, with 1,250,000 km2, addressing a total surface of 1,264,146 km2.

Navarino island concentrates the largest part of the population of the province of Antarctica Chilena and the community of Cabo de Hornos, Puerto Williams, its capital, is considerd the most austral city of the world and for centuries was the habitat of the older primitive races of the American continent: The Yaganes or Yamanas. Currently, Puerto Williams is a strategic site for the navy transit which moves between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The village also works as a platform for Chilean actions in the Antarctic territory, given its closeness to the White continent.

Between the months of November and March, the cruises take the route to the Antartica Chilena, a period in which climate conditions are optimal for navigation in the sea of southern extreme of the planet. Its landscapes are really beautiful and unique.

Climate: Template cold temperatures whose annual average is 6.8 °C. Precipitation achieves an annual average of 347mm, without having in consideration the snow that falls regularly in the Winter season. The wind is present mostly in summer, and sometimes it reaches over 100 kilometers per hour.

Province of great biological diversity

Of untamed landscapes, the presence of the Yagán ancestral ethnic group stands out, one of the most rudimentary indigenous cultures in its materiality, but at the same time one of the most surprising in its oral tradition and in its ability to survive in glaciers, archipelagos, strong winds and generally difficult environmental conditions.


You can admire the places frequented by the ancient inhabitants of the island in the sites Wulaia, Lewaia, Jemmy Button and Marchant Island, among many other locations, and witness a history of almost five centuries of explorations between the Western culture and natives.


Its capital is Puerto Williams, gateway to the Antarctic nature and beauty of the enigmatic geography of the edge of the world, if you are thinking of a trip to rest you can take the navigation that visits the Balmaceda and Serrano glacier.

What to do


Cabo de Hornos

Beagle Channel

Dientes de Navarino

Navarino Island

Alberto de Agostini National Park

Puerto Williams

Chilean Antarctica
