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A dive in the extreme south? The Strait of Magallanes has remarkable stories of shipwrecks, ships of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In addition, there is unique flora and fauna.

This activity has had a great development in recent years in the Strait of Magallanes, which, being under the influence of the Cabo De Hornos current, has a unique marine flora and fauna. In addition, in this place you can visit various shipwrecks and know their anecdotes and legends. Due to the difficult climatic conditions, it is estimated that around 140 vessels have been shipwrecked in its waters, including:

Marigold: Sir Francis Drake’s squadron ship, that disappeared at the southern part of  the “Desolación” island in september 1578.

Trinidad: Spanish ship of the Sarmiento de Gamboa expedition, it was  intentionally aground near Punta Dúngeness to take advantage of his wood in the first settlement of the strait.

1-2 days

Amadeo: first vapor boat enrolled in Punta Arenas. Performed a historical role in the development of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. It was grounded in front of the San Gregorio Estancia. Declared national monument the year 1972.

Ambassador: one of the last clippers of the tea race. It was grounded on the beach of San Gregorio on the year 1937.

Lonsdale: considered historical relic in front of Maria Behety park. Used ​​by the Braun & Blanchard signature as a wool pontoon in Punta Arenas.

Olympian: steam-powered boat and wheels. You can still see it remains stranded on the “Posesión” beach.

To dive in these waters it is essential to be accompanied by an instructor who knows the area, who has a permit from the Chilean Navy and ideally with a certification from an international association such as PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructor USA) or CMAS (Confederación Mundial de Actividades Submarinas).

To dive in these waters it is essential to be accompanied by an instructor who knows the area.

places for SCUBA DIVING


Always use official transport and ask for arrival and departure times in the designated area.

To dive in these waters it is essential to be accompanied by an instructor who knows the area.

The waters of the Estrecho de Magallanes does not exceed 7 degrees of temperature.

In an emergency case, to contact Chilean police (Carabineros de Chile) you must dial 133 from every fixed phone and/or mobile phone.

